Aluminum Extruders Council Joins the LIFT Off

On Thursday, April 19, the LIFT Off Webinar series will feature Mark Butterfield, Chairman, Aluminum Extruders Council Automotive Team and VP Engineering & Manufacturing, Magnode Corp. to discuss the importance of aluminum extrusions.
In the past 5 years, the usage of extruded aluminum shapes in North American light vehicles has grown by more than 50%, to over 25 pounds per vehicle.
Today, aluminum extrusions can be found in applications as varied as crush cans, trim members, rocker sections and seat backs – each with a unique set of performance requirements.
As automotive applications of aluminum extrusion continue to grow, engineers seeking to optimize performance are increasingly going beyond the “shorthand” of alloy and temper designation and specifying the desired microstructure for the final component.
This webinar will explore:
- How various automotive applications require differing underlying microstructure for optimal performance
- How alloy chemistry and extrusion processing parameters can be manipulated to yield distinctive microstructure
- How to effectively specify microstructure, and the critical variables to consider
Mini cases will be used to illustrate successful application of microstructure specification.
To register for this webinar or review past webinars, click here.