2018 Lightweight Jobs Reports Show Employment & Demand Trends Continuing
The recently released 2018 Lightweighting Jobs Reports from LIFT – Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow show the upward trend of employment and employer demand for workers in lightweighting-related positions continued last year.
The reports, taking a look at the five-state region of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee were produced by LIFT with research from the Workforce Intelligence Network of Southeast Michigan.
“It is tremendously positive to see the trend in employment growth continuing year after year,” said Emily DeRocco, education and workforce vice president, LIFT. “As demand for advanced manufacturing jobs continues to climb, it remains incumbent upon industry and educators to partner together to ensure the pipeline of people with the talent, skills and abilities to work in advanced manufacturing is robust to support the needs of the manufacturing base going forward.”
Click here to see the each of the five state reports.