LIFT Voice of the Advanced Materials Industry Roundtable at Rapid +TCT

June 26, 2024 | 8:00 am – 11:00 am

Los Angeles Convention Center

Los Angeles, CA

LIFT is excited to HOST the Voice of Advanced Materials Industry Roundtable and we want to hear your perspective

June 26th 2024 | 8:00 am – 11:00 am | Los Angeles Convention Center | 1201 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles, CA 90015

Join us for a dynamic, interactive workshop designed to gain important insights from manufacturers, and identify gaps and opportunities in Advanced Materials, Ecosystem, Technology & Workforce Development, in the Nation.

Our members and ecosystem want to hear your perspective.

Learn how leading organizations are building solutions that will have lasting impact. Hear how workforce development is a key enabler to advanced technology and capabilities.

  • Participants include: manufacturers from the community of Advanced Manufacturing from Aerospace, Defense, Workforce Development Organizations, Colleges and Universities, Government, and Economic Development groups.
  • You will have an opportunity to share your challenges and discover opportunities, bright spots, and resources as we chart a path forward to future capabilities.

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