Students, Community Celebrate Manufacturing Day at LIFT

LIFT, joining with IACMI – The Composites Institute, hosted a Manufacturing Day 2019 celebration at its Detroit headquarters on October 4.
The two institutes hosted 100 students from Detroit Denby High School for a tour of the facility and hands-on activities. During the LIFT hands-on activity, the students worked in the LIFT Learning Lab and replicated an assembly line using paper airplanes, to learn more about the manufacturing process as well as the teamwork required to succeed.
According to Caullin Gaskins, a senior at Denby, who is in his second year of the robotics program at Denby said the visit helped him as he is considering a career in manufacturing.
“I like trying new things and this has been a great experience for me,” Gaskins said. “I love it; I’m getting pretty good at it and I’m even helping my fellow classmates. I’m excited to learn if this is something I’d like to do after high school. It’s something I’m really interested in.”
Following the student visit, LIFT and IACMI also hosted an open house for the community, including industry and educators. Nearly 100 visitors came through the facility to see the equipment available to manufacturers as well as the LIFT Learning Lab.
Held annually on the first Friday of October, Manufacturing Day helps show the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders.