Register For Each of LIFT’s October Webinars

Webinars Include Highlights of Innovative Technology and New Education and Workforce Development Programs

Bringing Mind To Market
The third installment of the Bringing Mind To Market series will be held on Tuesday, October 9 at 1 p.m. ET.Opening Minds and Hearts to Advanced Manufacturing: LIFT’s MakerMinded Movement” will highlight LIFT’s advanced manufacturing learning and competition platform. MakerMinded directly links students to a diverse range of national and local STEM and advanced manufacturing programs, including manufacturing facility tours, gaming activities and project-based learning. MakerMinded also drives a sense of competition, as students and schools receive points for each completed activity, which are tallied on a real-time online leader board, with the top schools being celebrated at year-end recognition events.

Register for Bringing Mind To Market Here

LIFT SME Member PDA LLC will feature “Conversion, design optimization and modeling, and additive manufacturing for metal casting projects” on Thursday, October 18 at noon ET. The LIFT Off series is brought to you by LIFT and the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center to highlight innovations being developed by small and medium-sized manufacturers.

Register for LIFT Off Here