LIFT, STEM Action Center launch second MakerMinded manufacturing learning platform competition

LIFT, STEM Action Center launch second MakerMinded manufacturing learning platform competition
BOISE─Idaho Gov. Brad Little and the Idaho STEM Action Center have announced that competition for year two of MakerMinded in Idaho is now open. The STEM Action Center is again partnering with LIFT — Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow, a Detroit-based national manufacturing innovation institute, to bring MakerMinded to public school students in fifth through 12th grades. The program utilizes a digital platform to provide students with meaningful advanced manufacturing and STEM activities in a competitive format.
A focus of this year’s competition will be to directly connect students and teachers to local manufacturers for plant tours, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities. “We had 55 schools participate in last year’s competition and we also signed up 62 manufacturers across the state to offer schools site visits, guest speakers, mentorships, job shadows, and internships,” John McFarlane, Idaho’s MakerMinded coordinator at the STEM Action Center, said. “One of the winning schools, Basin Elementary, used their cash award to convert an unused classroom into a makerspace for the whole district to use.”
The latest competition ends at noon April 23, 2020, with recognition events scheduled for early May. Students, schools, employers and others interested in joining the Idaho MakerMinded campaign should visit or contact John McFarlane at