LIFT Opens 2023 LEAP Project Call

LIFT, the Detroit-based national manufacturing innovation institute, has announced its 2023 LEAP (LIFT Ecosystem Accelerator Program) Project Call and is accepting submissions through August 21, 2023.
The project call is designed to solicit exciting new project ideas from LIFT members connecting materials, processes and systems, and bring them to completion on a shorter timeline.
Project submissions can be made by filling out the LEAP Project Submission form here.
Project ideas should align with LIFT’s main technology pillars with focus in areas of:
- High Throughput Alloy Synthesis And Test: Automated Metallography and Analysis; Chemical Analysis
- Hypersonic Performance Testing: Hot Structure; Aerothermodynamics
- Virtual Representation Of Materials In Extreme Environments: Crack Growth In Homogenous Materials; Gun-barrel Interactions; Ballistic Impact; Hypersonics
- Digital Augmentation Of Manufacturing Processes: In-situ Monitoring; Process Modeling (DCS, Atomizing)
- High Temperature Materials: MMCs, Ceramics, CMCs & Metallics; ICME For Ceramics and CMCs (Chemistry, Process, Structure, Performance); Joining; Cost Effective, Scalable, Refractory Metal Processing (Hydride – Dehydride Alloying)
- Design Of Materials: Design For Materials Recovery; Critical Element Reclamation; Displacement/Replacement Of Critical Materials; Battlefield Foraged Material Re-use
Some of the below criteria will be taken into consideration when evaluating programs for funding:
- Project Budget: LIFT provided funding not to exceed $200,000. A minimum industry cost-share 20% of Total Project Value (TPV) is required and 1:1 cost-share is recommended and will be strongly considered in project selection
- Technology Level: Project ideas must be at a minimum TRL/MRL level 4 and maximum level 7 to be considered. Proposed project must advance TRL/MRL level by 1-2 levels
- Proposed Project Timing: Projects should be completed within six months and no later than May 31, 2024.
- LIFT High Bay: Utilization of the LIFT high bay facility and equipment.
Project submission deadline is August 21, 2023
LIFT will hold two virtual sessions to answer questions about the selection, funding, and program management processes. Register for the Q&A sessions below: