June New Members

Government Partner
Rock Island Arsenal
RIA provides manufacturing, logistics, and base support services for the Armed Forces. The Arsenal is the only active U.S. Army foundry, and manufactures ordnance and equipment, including artillery, gun mounts, recoil mechanisms, small arms, aircraft weapons sub-systems, grenade launchers, weapons simulators, and a host of associated components. Read more at
Alpha is an engineering and product development based manufacturer dedicated to providing fresh product concepts, ideas and services to our valued customers.
We do this through meeting and exceeding expectations while continually improving our designs products and processes, along with relationships with our customers, employees, vendors and community
Dynamic Systems Gleeble
Dynamic Systems Inc. (DSI) designs and manufactures equipment for dynamic thermal-mechanical testing of materials and physical simulation of processes.
Samples of material are heated and mechanically worked while various performance parameters of interest are measured and recorded for analysis. After the simulation or test is done, the microstructure of the material may also be examined.
The most widely known machine produced by DSI for physical simulation is the Gleeble® System. The Gleeble System is produced in a number of different sizes and configurations . These machines typically have a high-speed heating system, a servo hydraulic system and a computer control and data acquisition system. Read more at