IACMI and LIFT host FIRST Robotics International and Long-Distance Student Reception in Detroit

LIFT and IACMI hosted students from around the world as part of the activities leading up to the FIRST Robotics Global Competition held in Detroit in April.

The LIFT and IACMI facility was home to the International and Long Distance FIRST Robotics Reception, which provided the opportunity for students and coaches from around the world and around the country to visit and tour the facility, as well as meet with representatives from several of Michigan’s excellent colleges and universities, including Grand Valley State UniversityKettering UniversityLake Superior State UniversityOakland Community CollegeMichigan State UniversityMichigan Tech, and the University of Michigan.

The focal point of the reception was the Michigan Technological University Mind Trekkers STEM Roadshow. Made up of MTU undergraduate and graduate students, the Mind Trekkers built a display of nearly 20 interactive exhibits, including things like a Fire Tornado, a Musical Fruit, and Vortex Cannons.

Nearly 70 people joined the reception to take part in the Mind Trekker activities and tour the LIFT and IACMI facility.

LIFT also took part in the Imagine Michigan fair at Detroit Renaissance Center with other Michigan-based companies, colleges and organizations focused on innovation. There, LIFT team members could meet and greet FIRST Robotics team members and coaches from around the country and around the world and share with them the innovations taking place at the institute.

Detroit will once again be home to the FIRST Robotics Global Competition in 2019 and 2020.