Parts & Material Management Conference
Is your program having problems with DMSMS and obsolescence? Are the problems getting worse? Do you have questions about intellectual property rights, additive manufacturing, cyber security, and counterfeit prevention? Do you want to meet DMSMS and parts management experts who can help improve your situation?
Last year has been a time of important and positive changes for the DoD DMSMS and parts management communities. In the closing months of 2020, DoDI 4245.15, DoD DMSMS Management was published. This is the first DoD DMSMS instruction in more than 40 years! In addition, DoDI 5000.88, Engineering of Defense Systems which includes a requirement to implement parts management processes was also published.
The 2022 Parts and Materials Management Conference provides you with new information to successfully meet these new requirements, shows what is happening in the DMSMS community, and addresses your questions. You will have opportunities to interact and exchange ideas with specialists from government, industry, and academia, express your views and ideas on improving DMSMS and parts management, and meet with technical experts. You will experience state of the art technologies that can be applied to parts and material management at the training sessions and the exhibit hall.
Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in informative training, dynamic plenary talks, and technical breakout sessions to exchange information and perspectives on a wide variety of topics including:
- DMSMS and parts management best practices and lessons learned, strategic activities, data sharing and commonality, contract language, programming and budgeting, metrics, technology refresh, and technology roadmaps.
- Intellectual property (IP) and technical data management (TDM) for DMSMS and parts management, IP/TDM solutions, and methods of resolving IP/TDM issues.
- Counterfeit parts and materials risks and impacts, best practices, proactive planning, parts monitoring, and issues resolutions.
- Additive manufacturing (AM) case studies, current state AM, new AM technologies, and challenges in leveraging AM for obsolete parts
- Cyber physical systems security threats and mitigations, software and hardware assurance and components selection, security gaps, monitoring, and electronic & physical security
- Supply chain risk management processes and tools, ownership of critical technologies, impact of recent events (COVID-19), and policy regarding foreign sources
- Updates on the latest DMSMS and Parts Management policies recently issued including DoDI 4245.15, DoDI 5000.88, SD-19, SD-22, and SD-26.