Additive Manufacturing Conference 2024 (AMC 2024 Puerto Rico)

8:00 am ET - 12:00 pm ET
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Scope of the event: The aim of this conference is to be a roadmap for the successful adoption oScope of the event: The aim of this conference is to be a roadmap for the successful adoption of additive manufacturing, with emphasis on mass production and parts replacement, in Puerto Rico. We will do this by providing a platform for industry leaders, researchers, and practitioners to converge and discuss cutting-edge strategies and technologies.

In this conference our speakers will touch on important benchmarks needed for the incorporation of additive manufacturing by Puerto Rico’s manufacturing sector.

General topics:
▪ Additive Manufacturing and the Education/Industrial Partnership

▪ Additive Manufacturing and the FDA

▪ Additive Manufacturing and the Law (I.P.)

▪ Additive Manufacturing Research & Development at Large Scale