Nominate Your Manufacturing Students and Champions

The FabLab Science and Innovation Awards Show is a totally new take on awards shows. This 2-hour livestream and network television show airing on Saturday, November 18, 2017 will celebrate science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics (STEAM) and manufacturing that solves problems and makes modern life livable. The awards will highlight the projects of students, from middle school through young professionals, whose work has impacted the world in a positive way.

Manufacturing USA wants to honor educators or mentors who are champions for manufacturing innovation. The “Champion” award recognizes teachers, employees, and advisors throughout the country who demonstrate to young people what it means to “make”.

Nominations are open for individuals or teams fostering manufacturing skills and innovation in their communities – either in advanced manufacturing technologies like those supported by Manufacturing USA, or in other manufacturing areas. Any organization (academic, trade, industry, or government) or individual (fellow teachers, advisors, mentees, and/or students) may submit a nomination.


Champion Award Nomination
FabLab Awards – Science Fair Engagement Packet Letter
Student Nomination Form

Nominate Someone Today!