LIFT Executives Visit Partners at Oak Ridge National Labs to Discuss Ongoing Collaboration

LIFT Chief Executive Officer Nigel Francis and Chief Technology Officer Hadrian Rori recently visited Oak Ridge National Labs in Tennessee to tour the facility and discuss ongoing collaborations.
The visit included a tour of the Department of Energy’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF), the premier manufacturing lab of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Lab system, and provided insight into ORNL’s polymer and metal additive manufacturing.
The facility is designed to help industry adopt new manufacturing technologies to reduce life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions, lower production cost, and create new products and opportunities for high-paying jobs. Along with Additive Manufacturing and Carbon Fiber and Composites expertise, the facility includes capabilities in Lightweight Metals Processing, Roll-to-Roll Processing, Magnetic Field Processing, Low-Temperature Materials Synthesis, and Battery Manufacturing.
“It is an impressive facility to say the least, and we are proud to have Oak Ridge and its roster of experts as part of our broader LIFT network,” Francis said. “As we grow as an institute into working with additional materials and a wider variety of manufacturing processes, Oak Ridge can play a key role in helping advance our objectives, along with those of the U.S. manufacturing base.”
The group participating in the tour included: Craig Blue, Director of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs for the Energy and Environmental Sciences Directorate; Bill Peter, Director of the MDF; Lonnie Love, Corporate Fellow and group leader of ORNL’s Manufacturing Systems Research Group; Ray Boeman, Director, Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation’s (IACMI) Detroit Scale-up Research Facility, and; Eric Shreffler, Vice President, Market Development, Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC).
“From a technology perspective, the facility’s work in materials, automation and processing is totally aligned with LIFT’s vision for the future,” Rori said. “We were thrilled to have the opportunity to tour and discuss how we might be able to continue working together as both organizations evolve in the future.”
For LIFT members – expect our activities in multi-materials, additive and digital to grow. For non-members, you are encouraged to schedule a visit to talk more about how joining LIFT can support your organization. Contact us at