Convening the Ecosystem to Help Fight COVID-19

LIFT, an Department of Defense-supported Manufacturing Innovation Institute, convened its ecosystem, locally and nationally, to support the fight against COVID-19by:

  • Working with the University of Michigan to design and engineer an innovative ventilator valve to allow one ventilator to serve two patients at once
  • Connecting a small company LIFT member with AFFOA to produce recyclable N95 masks3D printing hundreds of 3D face shields and N95 masks in-house
  • Convening a group of over 200 volunteers to make cloth face masks for the local population
  • Delivering STEM kits to Detroit students to keep them engaged during school closures
  • Connecting the ReMADE institute with executives at both Ford and General Motors to support the production of ventilators
  • Joining with IACMI to consolidate and donate their personal protective equipment (PPE) to Detroit’s Community Health and Social Services (CHASS) Center.

See more here: LIFT COVID Response