The Big Unveil… From the Desk of Executive Director Larry Brown
From the desk of Executive Director Larry Brown
LIFT is getting ready to announce our next mode of operations – on Manufacturing Day.
What better day to unveil Detroit’s newest and most cutting edge research and development facility than a day dedicated to encouraging students to take a look at manufacturing as a career choice.
Please plan to join us on Friday, October 6 for this Manufacturing Day celebration.
It was on Manufacturing Day one year ago when LIFT and IACMI announced a $50 million investment in their Detroit facility to serve as a national hub of lightweight metals and composites applied research and development work.
The opening of our high bay is the culmination of years of work by our LIFT team and the result of the commitment and faith our members have in LIFT’s mission. It is also the result of significant investment by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and the U.S. Department of Defense.
I am humbled by all the work which has gone into our facility and I am thrilled to see it come to fruition.
Our facility will be a jewel for the City of Detroit, the State of Michigan and the region. It will feature a selection of applied research and development equipment unlike anywhere else, including one piece not found anywhere else in the world.
While Michigan is the right place for us to be, since it has the highest concentration of electrical, mechanical and industrial engineers in the country, we look to be a national asset as we create change across the metalworking industry.
For more information on the high bay and how to work with LIFT on a project you’re interested in, just contact us here.